#86 A mini 2017 TBR

Happy new year and welcome to my first blog post of 2017!
If I shared with you all the books I want to read this year we'd be here forever so I thought I'd narrow it down to just five (in alphabetical order)!

The Princes Diarist, Carrie Fisher
I've been a fan of Carrie Fisher for the longest time and I was devasted when she died so I'm really excited to read this!
I've been wanting to read it since it was released (November 2016), I'm also hoping to read some more of Carrie's work because I've seen extracts floating about the internet and I love her writing style!

The Bone Sparrow, Zana Fraillon
I picked this up in Waterstones just after Christmas and I was drawn to the cover first (oops) but once I read the blurb I just had to buy it!
It feels  very Boy in the Striped Pyjama but a bit more modern I guess and revolves around Subhi (a refugee) and Jimmie who lives on the "other side of the fence"

Charisma, Jeanne Ryan
This is by the same author as Nerve (which I'm still yet to read) and is about makeovers and drugs and dystopian society so it sounds like it will be a really interesting read!

Mistletoe and Murder, Robin Stevens
I haven't decided if I'm going to save this until Christmas or just read it soon but either way I'm excited! It's set 2 days before Christmas when Daisy and Hazel are trying to find a killer in Cambridge! 
It sounds like it's going to be that perfect mix of murder mystery but with girls solving it, what more could you want?

Wing Jones, Katherine Webber
I've been so excited to read this book and I've been following Katherine online for a few months now!
Not only is this book absolutely beautiful I've heard nothing but good reviews!

What are you looking forward to reading this year?

Vicki x
Disney princess in training 
