#101 ...I can't stop buying books

I've really lost my blogging mojo at the moment, I took a break whilst I got my dissertation finished off and I now have no idea what to post because all my time had been consumed by my dissertation and I've done nothing else! So I thought I'd share with you the books that I've been buying since about mid-March!

You know when you're on a train home and you finish your book? That happened to me on the way home from Manchester, annoyingly for me my book ended on a slight cliffhanger and was the first book in a series of three!
That book was The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury, so as soon as I got home I rushed to Waterstones and picked up the next two books - The Sleeping Prince and The Scarecrow Queen!

(ironically I found myself in a reading slump and according to Goodreads I'm only 30% through The Sleeping Prince)

Last week I was lucky enough to be invited to the Samantha Shannon event at my local Waterstones, although I haven't read any of her books I went along and I really enjoyed the event! Samantha spoke about how problematic the term "strong female character" which was really interesting (x), as well as talking about how she finds inspiration!
They were selling the series (so far) at the event so I picked up book number one, The Bone Season.

Thank you again to Waterstones York for inviting me along!

The live action Beauty and the Beast has 100% refuelled my love for the story and once I saw that the lovely Joanne from living the bookish life, was reading this book I was so intrigued and just had to pick it up!
Beauty and the Beast: Lost in a Book follows Belle as she finds an enchanted book in the Beast’s library called Nevermore, I'm so intrigued but I might be a bit too old for it! 

The next two books are two that I've been desperate to get my hands on for months! The first is Geekerella by Ashley Poston, this is a modern day adaption of Cinderella (who is one of my favourite princesses) With a comic convention, a vegan food truck (The Magic Pumpkin) and a cute lil sausage dog on the cover I am so excited to start reading this book!

Finally; The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas which is inspired by #BlackLivesMatter. I'm excited to be attending Angie's event at Waterstones Deansgate next week!

Hopefully I'll be back in the swing of things soon and be back with regular blog posts!
