#78 The Rapid Fire Book Tag

Hello lovelies, I was inspired by Anna from A Literary Potion which she did on her youtube channel(x)to do the rapid fire book tag so without further ado let's get started!

1) physical book or e-book?
physical book for sure but I love how convenient e-books can be in terms of travel!

2) paperback or hardback?
I commute a lot so paperbacks are my go to but I love how pretty and detailed hardbacks are so I'm slightly torn!

3) online or in-store book buying?
I can spend hours in Waterstones but if I can't get a book there or I need it straight away I always head straight to amazon or wordery!

4) trilogies or series?
it honestly depends on the book!

5) heroes or villains?

heroes for sure!
6) a book you want everyone to read
I think this goes without saying but The Next Together by Lauren James (and the sequel)

7) recommend an underrated book
A Little in Love by Susan E. Fletcher which tells the story of Les Mis from Éponine's point of view!

8) the last book you finished?
The Graces by Laure Eve, look out for my thoughts on it in my November reading wrap up!

9) the last book you bought
I actually bought two - Winters' Snow by Carrie Hope Fletcher and Where Am I Now? by Mara Wilson

10) top three favourite genres?
romance, science fiction and recently I've been enjoying writing noir!

I tag my lovely friend Charlene to do the tag and feel free to do it yourself!

Vicki x
Disney princess in training
