#54 Happy Blogiversary

Hello, lovelies! I know I normally upload every other Saturday but today is a pretty special day! 
Today my little blog turns two years old!!! So to celebrate I thought I'd share an updated version of my very first blog post which you can read here!

I thought this would be great for any new readers but also just so I can look back and see what has changed since I started my blog 2 years ago!

I'm Vicki (if you hadn't realised already) and I'm a 20-year-old media and creative writing student. When I first started this blog I'd just finished my A Levels, and now two years on I've finished my second year of university just over a month ago, what?

I never knew that I'd still be blogging two years after I randomly decided to set up a blog but here I am! I've made so many friends through blogging and I'm even part of the Seventeen Cosmetics blogger network!

Thank you so much whether you've been here since day one, anywhere in between or since yesterday! your supports means a lot!

Vicki x

Disney princess in training β™›


  1. Congratulations on two years! That's so fantastic. I've only been blogging for about six months. I hope I keep it up for two like you have. It has be so fun for you to go back through your blog and see how much you've changed. Again, congratulations. XOXO

    Breanna Catharina

    1. Ah I never thought I'd still be blogging!!
      Vicki x

  2. This was a lovely little post & nice to see you're still as personable and open as you were when you first started blogging! Is your fave band still FOB?
    Keep up the awesomeness!


    1. I still love them, just haven't listened to them in forever!
      Vicki x

  3. CONGRATS on two years of blogging! Your Cinderella tsum tsum is adorable btw! Awesome that you're part of the 17 cosmetics network, well done you!

    Abbey 😁 www.abbeylouisarose.co.uk

    1. thank you! Cinderella is definitely one of my fave tsum tsums!
      Vicki x

  4. Congratulations on your two years! First timers here, but we'll definitely check out your content on the rest of your blog!

    We've been blogging for a little bit less than two years now and we never thought we'd still be here or even evolved into what it is today!

    Keep up the good work!

    Jessica & James β˜ΊοΈπŸ’“

    1. I get what you mean! Never thought I'd still be blogging!
      Vicki x


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